Baking tips

As my friends and family have become aware of my quest, they've been sharing all sorts of helpful tips and tricks for making the perfect pie.

Just the other day, I returned to my desk from a meeting to find several recipes and baking tips on my chair from Nana Sue, our office baker/den mother.

Being a novice, I'm open to all the tips and advice I can get.

Here are some highlights:

Tips for fruit pie filling:
  • Use a variety of fruit. Some of the best pies use a mix, not just one fruit. Throwing an apple in with a peach pie gives a good variety of flavor and texture.
  • Consider pectin. High-pectin fruits (apples, blackberries and quinces) thicken nicely on their own. Low-pectin fruits (blueberries, cherries, strawberries) need more thickener to avoid a runny pie. Combine high and low pectin fruits (ex. add an apple to a berry pie).
  • Go easy on the sugar. If the fruit is sweet, limit the amount of sugar used, 1/2 cup or less is best.
  • Add some spice.  Enhance fruit flavors by adding nutmeg for berries, cinnamon for apples, cloves for peaches/apricots, ginger works in almost anything.
  • Brighten it up. A little acidity brightens flavor. Add a quirt of lemon juice and zest or a splash of balsamic vinegar.
  • Remember the butter. Dot the top of a fruit pie filling with butter to add richness, taste and texture.

Basic fruit pie recipe:
  • 4-6 cups of chopped fruit
  • 1-2 TB cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup sugar (white or brown)
  • lemon zest
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 to 2 tsp spices
  • 1 TB unsalted butter

Share your best tips in the comments.